Rabu, 07 November 2012




1.1 . Background
Development of technology and information in the era of globalization brings significant effects of changes in a person's character forming and personality especially in terms of education, both the influence of positive and negative effects, positive effects would have benefits for the benefit of the people, but not all of them will bring a positive influence but due to negative that often arise in their relationships, thus making them less attention to their education even more about the Islamic religious education, and it also often appears negative and morality influence the younger generation, the education world is having a very tough challenge because the demand for human beings to give birth not just able to master the technology and information in order to compete in the international world but also widened the faithful and devoted and well-educated Islamic religion
Islamic religious education is one of the educational materials that have a responsibility to realize the goals of national education, and most of the subjects in schools, Islamic religious education often encounter obstacles in between the existence of Islamic religious subjects did not receive the serious attention of government this can be in view of the location of the time only 3 hours of lessons perminggudi comparison with the allocation of subjects that are far more, on the other hand the interest of students to the Islamic religious subjects were minimal they prefer the technology-based subjects and information, this happens because one of the drawbacks of education religion of Islam is to apply the methods or strategies in the teaching process, should be recognized pndidikan Islamic religion today is on a blanket by the clouds and the problems that have not terutai (article "SMP I Le Mbang)


1.2 . Objectives and Benefits
Our goal in this is to increase human resources and good faith of Islam is well educated and good character
The main benefit of this research are:
1.2.1        In order to become a religious man and good character
1.2.2         In order to be well educated man.,
1.2.3        In order to avoid promiscuity

1.3      Identification of Problems
In this case we identify this permsalahan to determine its scope, infrastructure, relationships and the tendency towards religious education islam. particularly school environment where it is in students with diverse educational macam.dan with a study like this we will know which institutions who has a good Islamic religious education and institutions which can educate people with a good Islamic education as well.
And in its essence we want to have a good education especially Islamic religious education and we do not want to fall to the things that could ruin us even more destructive to our morals with promiscuity.
Therefore, we identify the research problem and improve the quality of education in Indonesia and the Islamic religion to the people of Indonesia know good places to improve the quality of religious education can learn in islam institute.and-Where are the good institutes for religious education Islam.
1.3.1        People are more likely to enter public schools in comparison schools
1.3.2        Lessons on teaching more religion in schools compared to public schools
1.3.3        The scope of support in comparison schools over the scope of public school
1.3.4        Relationships in schools over public schools are limited in comparison

1.4        Discussion of the research problem
Identification of research problems, researchers in the limit:
1.4.1        The public school is tending of the pesantren, while we know that public schools are more likely to free association and free association that will make it harder for someone to enhance the Islamic religious education
1.4.2        Islamic religious education over many different schools to teach in his or her case to the public school where they just get the Islamic religious education up to 3 hours in one week
1.4.3         The scope is very supportive pesantern to develop their because Islamic religious education in teaching . guided, directed 24 hours.different case with public schools
1.4.4        Relationships in the boarding schools have restrictions that limited association at boarding school and awake.
1.5      Formulation of Research Problems
based on people's views on the religion of Islam is more like teaching at the school because it has scope in comparison to other public schools
1.6       Hypothesis
From the description above and the research we can conclude that boarding school is the most effective institutions for improving and enhance Islamic religious education
Research Methodology
The details of the methodology of the study as follows:

1.6.1        Schedule of Studies
A description of activities
Specify the title of the research

creation and submission of the questionnaire

Preparation of chapter 1

The spread of the questionnaire

Evaluation and processing of questionnaires

Preparation of chapter 2

Preparation of chapter 3

Preparation of chapter 4

making abstract and attachments

Presentation of mini research

Submit hard and soft copy mini research
1.6.2        Object Research
The research object subjected to the student / public school and boarding school and adolescence and adulthood in the shopping center SGC (central glosir cikarang)

1.6.3        Instrument Research
The research carried out is by using a closed questionnaire applied in the study sample.


2.1 Contents

       Based on the mandate of the Constitution 45 (Article 31) all the people of Indonesia are entitled to a decent education, as the government officials elected by the people charged to establish and conduct national education system. In order to execute what the mandate of the Constitution of 45, the government provides the opportunity for the community to provide education through educational institutions run by government agencies or in private (foundation) but still remain in the coordination of government.

       In the context of Indonesian-ness of the people should not be confused to find education, educational institutions in this country are many and varied, for the Moslems, they could choose as educational institutions, boarding school and madrasah. And there is also a public school. These three institutions both have a role to provide science and empower communities. Residents are given the freedom to choose the educational institution. Choose according to your interests and desires. For people who want to master the general education they can choose the path of public education, for those who want to explore and master of religious education, they can choose a boarding school education, and for those who wish to know and understand both (religious and general) can take the path madrasah.

      Boarding schools, schools and seminaries are agencies that have the same goals, but differ in their management. Among these three institutions each have distinctive features. In the midst of differences and similarities of the existing educational institutions, not least among the educational institutions there is competition. In reality the struggle and the competition is real, and not infrequently we find in the field of competition among educational institutions are often unfair and give rise to envy each other.

       Lack of fair form an inter-institution that is also manifested in the form of non obyektifan in assessing the existing educational institutions. First boarding school often have a negative stigma from some people, old-fashioned educational institutions, slums, ndeso, not forward, and hereafter institutions are some of the stigma that is often attributed to the institution is purely indigenous, of course, this creates a negative impact on keberlangusngan boarding school, many people who then feel free to put their children studying in boarding school, but true-negative stigma stigma that emerged in the community is not true of all, there kalapun it is not enough just how representative of the many boarding school in Indonesia.
Boarding schools are educational institutions with boarding system along with the chaplain and chaplain cleric is the central figure and role model to be followed by students or student-santrinya / I was, so did the students will get a full 24-hour counseling and will always be noticed and be monitored and at the point in segla something.

       Education in schools aims to deepen the knowledge of the Qur'an, the Sunnah apostles, and other creeds-science is the science that leads terseut education  mean people are really the master of science he would  education fine.

       Boarding school was originally a center of improving values ​​and Islamic religious broadcasting, but its development is further widened the area of ​​institutions that do not merely accelerate garapannya vertical mobility (with compaction of religious materials), but also horizontal mobility (social consciousness). Schools are no longer terkutat on religious-based curriculum (curriculum based regional) and are likely to soar, but also a curriculum that touches kikian society (society based curriculum) so schools can not be convicted solely as a purely religious institution, but also should be a living social lemaga and continue to respond to messy problems of education in society

        The quality of education in boarding schools is growing rapidly and is able to compete with public schools chief religious boarding school education and religious development of Islam in society, as well as boarding schools are not inferior to standard internasional.pondok boarding schools have a unique educational system that is born of the community, belongs to the community, for society and the education curriculum as well as in his own apartment by the kiai 'boarding school featuring its own curriculum and also learn a different way so as to have the same quality

     And model the development of contemporary Islamic religious and boarding schools are very different institutions of Islamic education that teaches the meaning of a proper education and apply it in life sadangkan public schools that we know is the bane note the quality of religious education has been minimal, so a lot of they will not undestand the important of Islamic religious education and its benefits to them even more to apply.

      A fact which can not deny that education is very important in one's life, it is not surprising that many parents consider their child's education especially Islamic religious education, for that they did not hesitate to pick and choose schools that excessive plus even though the cost is high, but in reality does not match his expectations.

       Boarding school is the oldest Islamic institution in Indonesia that has the educational system and teaching isalm good and can educate students-santrinya in all fields of science and skill and it can not be separated from the system of education and teaching at the boarding school.

       Many schools which was established with the magnificent but can not form personality a child with another .expecially in developing Islamic religious education, and ironically, many people who want to improve religious education isalam on him but they do not support the association and had no impetus from the various parties.

       Islamic religious education is education that tends to be good or evil is not evil and those who know and understand the true meaning of Islamic religious education he would do good things do not come out or off of etiquette that exist in Islamic religious education.
And that happens in our day people are more inclined to keep abreast with her social world that is free that has no boundaries and out of the etiquette of Islamic religious education, and even educated people can be swept away by free association.

      Two hours of lessons in the classroom is not to be sufficient to convey complex information so religious. Even if we are not good at mensiasatinya the information received by the student concerned will only be temporarily touching aspects of cognitive affective and psychomotor aspects can not be touched. The problem may be when done ahlaq written evaluation (test) the student can answer correctly even mention naqlinya proposition that ethical eating and drinking in Islam of which should not be standing, but in everyday life the student is still eating and drinking while stand. In the matter of worship might be when students do a written evaluation (test) can be answered correctly that the five daily prayers is obligatory if the abandoned sinner, and if implemented will be rewarded, but in the daily life of students are still reluctant to pray. It is certainly not what we expected because the students do not correspond to what has been known, recognized or not it proves the fact that Islamic education is still not successful.

      And people are more likely to enter public schools compared to public schools because the schools do not have the scope of such boarding schools because basically has a good scope in boarding schools where they are on 24 hours notice and scolds when doing kesalahan.di guided and directed to education in islam.dari diajaarkan where students-students or students of both can be monitored by all the terms of either social or educational.

2.2 the criteria that must be fulfilled in educating a child

Because as we know it in the book tarbiyah or educational book which explained and explained in it that in forming a good education there should be support from all parties including

2.2.1 Home

     Home is where we live where we are all family members under one roof with us, and when we want to get a good education we should be in a good family because the family was also influential in the education of a child no Arabic poem says

الام مدرسة اذااعددثها               
اعددث شعباطيب الاعراق

                                If the mother is like the school very well prepared
                                        So I  t is good to prepare the young generation
2.2.2 School

      Schools are educational institutions where all students and students come to school just to get the instruction and education and they do not just want to get a general education course, but sometimes parents and students are also demanding to get the Islamic religious education, but what is happening and give the school they generally can not give what is desired and what is expected of parents and students, because most of the public schools are not able to balance between general education and Islamic religious education, and in fact if someone wants to improve their knowledge of Islamic religious education should they choose a place or a memorandum of institutions besnya tend to islam.

     Because the fatal mistake for parents and students if you want to increase the Islamic religious education in public schools kara public schools are more likely to teach general courses and only a few percent for Islamic religious education
Not only there is more likely the public school association to the negative compared with positive ones, because more free association in the public schools compare in boarding

2.2.3 Environment

        Many people say that the environment is very affecting a child's education and in fact it is true because the environment is where children play, and interact with a lot of people there that will get all the positive and the negative and that's when a child has the freedom to choose which one he wanted and that he would follow the example of a negative or positive. (Tarbiyatu wa ta'lim 68-72)

     Of these three things are things that can affect a child's education then if we want to educate someone with a good education should pay attention to three elements in order to create even more perfect education in Islamic religious education.
Education, coaching, empowerment, instruction, information, indokrinasi, from the most primitive to the most modern human being's activities that most can not be avoided and the schools do not miss any attempt result in the soul / spirit does not have a lot in other institutions for the instruction and the value the building together in one community and common purpose, and one of them is Islamic religious education.
In the spirit caregivers and teachers there is no consideration of what profit when a profit on the go and if profesi.hal switching loss is not the case unless it is falsehood and deceit has mastered himself.

     And also has ghiroh pesantern diniyyah (which tends to increase the impetus of Islam AGMA) mengesampingkn response outside the positive and negative, so, assisted or not schools still exist, surviv, and fast berjalan.bisa can be slow.
Understanding the efficiency of schools by conflicting with the notion of economic efficiency by practitioners, cultural, and others where they think how to design a way of life while we are trying mencanang's way of life and death meaning.
What is in school and in public institutions is the result of ability human in Islam there is a change and there should not be changed so does the world of boarding schools
And in human pesantren students for their berpungsi berperandan Arm and empowered in accordance with the potential and capabilities of each and the students with Islamic religious education is good, this is where they will always be in the evaluation or reconciliation, and they also will get a report card of human , Muslim report card, report card family, and community report cards,

     And in their schools are in demand to work hard, study hard, with a strong and sincere intentions and social science and religious education in Islam can be with the odd but of Islam and Islamic religious education is not possible! Do not take religion or culture that does not come from rosullullah, man was having the time of confusion, doubt the time will be Islamic religious education and natural ........ ainal-maffar been ashamed to serve the gods to mankind, the sun, moon, river water is not friendly due to human activity that is not educated then take this step to improve and enhance the Islamic religious education so that we trained to be a man who berakhlakul karim.

     And we'll discuss more details about the questionnaire in advance which of them is the real evidence and facts about the opinion of many schools and public schools
School is one of the means to improve the science whether it be science general education as well as Islamic religious education in schools that specialize and to deepen the religious sciences diniyyah be called madrassas, and while the madrasas or schools in which the sciences are taught the general implementation is to follow the pattern that has been set by the department of religious schools or madrassas, and Ministry of Education is equipped with facilities and infrastructure for which the usual school system such as a library, computer lab, laboratory, field and other sports.

     Thus the pesantren in which the school will selenggarakannya education system there are two kinds of learning activities that the learning style and learning style boarding schools, boarding schools so that they can compete with public schools in terms of education and schools can even balance between the teaching of general education and teaching Islamic religious education.
Another thing that is often highlighted than teaching and Islamic education in public schools and boarding schools are:
(1) The problem of matter and content of religious education;
(2) Problems related to the methodological framework;
(3) The problem is less terintegrasikannya religious education, in the sense of dualism dichotomy occurs with other scientific disciplines.

     Another issue that is not less important is the pragmatic purpose of reconstruction involves madrasah. Without a clear definition of differences, all levels of education in madrasah graduates aims to give birth to a Muslim personality. As if the goal while the madrasa graduates are guaranteed to be successful because he will always be able to refer to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah in overcoming the various problems of life.
The emergence of these problems are caused by teologisasi ideology and Islamic sciences, science senbagai packing ability in understanding the content of the Qur'an and Sunnah as. Here science is identified with the religion of Islam the religion of Islam itself that truth is absolute and is believed to be universally applicable. (Public Schools and Madrasah Curriculum in Indonesia (1945-1994)


3.1 Discussion

 Recapitulation of Public Problems Delivery of Education in Boarding Schools
Cikarang education in most schools still embrace modern pesantren system called the modern pesantren. Even so, many boarding schools are starting to manage general and madrasa education are common even in higher education, without having to leave the system.
Of the interview which was conducted on 45 resource persons, common problems found in schools of education in cikarang is the cause why the graduates and droup outnya not been able to compete with other graduates are as follows:

3.1.1  People are more likely to enter public schools in comparison schools
                  Graphs about the identification of the first questionnaire about the tendency of people enter a public school that was brought to the object

Indeed, the condition of madrasah students' lack of attention to the science part could not be separated from the general perception of the clergy against the general sciences, especially in a few decades ago. Historically, this madrasa education can not be separated from the world of boarding schools. Among scholars that most of these boarding schools are the product, both before Indonesia's independence and in the early days of independence, many of them think that Muslims are simply just to learn the science of religion and science are generally regarded as the science of infidels who do not need to be taught. Lack of public appreciation of science( Beberapa Kelemahan Mendasar Madrasah (2)

       trend of children into public schools is to get a sense of freedom in a free society without any pressure from anyone and it's all against the people who live in boarding schools are the children who must be willing to live disciplined and willing to get pressure, and pressure to improve discipline for  him that the child be a child in schools were educated.and limited interaction with the limitations that has been set so that the child is protected from free association, and they are in demand to improve the religious education islam.chaild who have been influenced by free association it would be difficult children in the set and the students because all he wanted was freedom in the mix
3.1.2        Lessons on teaching more religion in schools compared to public schools
Graphs about the identification of a second questionnaire about learning more on teaching religion in schools than in public schools that was brought to the object.

Islamic religious education more on teaching in schools compared to public schools because the schools established to improve and maintain only complains pnngajaran and Islamic religious education, and not just that in this era has started many schools that have sprung up and compete with public schools in the sense of balance between Islamic religious education and general education, so the quality will siwa theology and science education and the public at relatively balanced, while the public school they can not for the relative balance between general education and Islamic religious education and they are more inclined to public education can be proved by at least a schedule for Islamic religious education of at least 3 hours a week bedahalnya with more general education in teaching in public schools and from the evidence that we can make decisions that place the most suitable boarding schools to develop Islamic religious education rather than in institutions / public school to another(pengembangan-pendidikan-agama-islam-di-sekolah)
     Education in the boarding school curriculum still focuses on religious education with less emphasis on general science and technology so that its graduates have not been able to compete with graduates of other educational institutions in the world of work. Teaching the science of religion such as jurisprudence, Arabic, nahwu and sharaf became a major portion of the boarding school, was teaching general science to be the second priority. If students are interested in general in addition to studying the science of religion, then students must attend school outside of the boarding school. This happens because a lot of boarding schools still do not have a public education institutions such as junior and senior high school or junior secondary school and Aliyah is managed by the boarding.school.

3.1.3        The scope of support in comparison schools over the scope of public school
Graph identification of questionnaire about a third of the scope of boarding schools and the general scope of the catapult to the object


Boarding school was originally a center penggemblengan values ​​(fi al-din tafaquh) and broadcasting Islam (da'wah). However, in its development through a long history, it has increasingly widened the area that will not only accelerate garapannya vertical mobility (with the deepening of religious materials), but also horizontal mobility (social consciousness). Strictly speaking, schools are no longer dwell on the religious-based curriculum (regionally-based curriculum) and are likely to soar, but the curriculum also touches the issue kikinian society (society-based curriculum). Thus, schools can no longer be considered merely as a purely religious institution, but also (should) be a social institution that continues to live in the surrounding community to respond to issues that continue to experience the dynamics.(HS, Mastuki, El-sha, M. Ishom. Intelektualisme Pesantren)
       Pesantern scope is very supportive to develop their karne Islamic religious education in teached and  guided, directed 24 hours.so different case with public schools that are only guidance just a few hours in a day maxima 4/2 hours per day and not just in terms of Islamic religious education in teaching tp they also teach them to live in a society that both at the school because of what they saw, heard, felt it was educational for them, the scope of the boarding school is well coordinated with Takala a child because they will make mistakes there is a reprimand, when they are wrong because there are commemorating their bimbiming, directed and students every day, and so their behavior in eraser is always on the look and value.
3.1.4        Relationships in schools over public schools are limited in comparison
Graphs about the identification of a fourth questionnaire on relationships in schools and in public schools in the catapult to the object


such as military academy boarding school or convent (monastery, convent) in the sense that those who were there had a condition oftotality(Menggerakkan Tradisi: Esai-Esai Pesantren )
Relationships in schools have restrictions that limited association at   v school and aweked.while students have the freedom to choose what they enjoy doing and he still has a limitation that can be protected from any bebas.beda  association with the school children of today can only be using their freedom in matters such as shopping at the mall negatife with school uniforms that are still in wear after school, smoking, hanging out here and there with all the negative things that exist and, Tauran, and some have fallen to the hole error with consuming drugs, shabu-shabu and the like and many more examples of free association and
 question why they are in public schools could do something like that? the answer is because they lack supervision and control of some of the teachers and parents and the result of a lack of monitoring, supervision and guidance to the child that the child finally doing something that they want despite the negative impact, if all children are affected by free association then it will start to shrink to study general education and if the child was not willing to learn the general education and tend to want freedom of choice without any limitations so he would forget and do not want to learn and improve the quality of Islamic religious education.
        Boarding schools are generally less ill with other public schools, had not yet had a classroom, library, laboratory and skills sufficient space for an educational institution that expects its graduates to excel. Aspects of the lack of funding and still not the School / Madrasah tp now boarding school almost has it all and be able to compete with public schools (article about the life skill)
       Therefore not only used as a boarding school as a place to gain knowledge, but schools can be a quality barn. This can be done because the schools have an advantage of existing public schools in the district Bangkalan include:
a.       The provision of education in a boarding school dormitory allows the students to learn discipline, build solidarity, tolerance, tolerance, independence, and simplicity or a more precise study is concerned because all facilities are very limited.
b.      By studying at a boarding school in addition to obtaining the religious and moral education, as well as public education, although the levels are still very low when compared to public schools.
c.       In the boarding school taught some skills as a preparation to live independently, although not necessarily according to the needs of a changing society and economic development model mentioned earlier. Thus, the boarding school graduates and those who drop out more independent when back FRAGILE community.
d.      The boarding school system developed allows the students to compete more realistically, not only in learning achievement, but also achievements in business and work. The development of egalitarian attitudes among the students is a hallmark and excess boarding school.
e.       Boarding school created a bond of brotherhood among the students without coercion, with a broad range of capital and long become the most important foundation in building civil society.
f.       Hut system allows the emergence of non-stop enthusiasm for learning among the  students, who learn consciously to repair itself. They learn to be able to overcome the problems of life. (Article life skill)
      Education curriculum in schools at this time we do not just focus on the classic book (read: religious knowledge) but also include the more common subjects and skills at boarding school now popular dichotomy of science are beginning to establish even a few schools of general education institutions which are under the Department of Education
       PROBLEM morality among students today have become a national issue of concern. The rise of juvenile delinquency phenomenon, ranging from the brawl (brawl), violation of norms, behaviors that lead to deviations in crime indicates the values ​​of faith and piety among students today have faded. As well as a signal lack of success coaching at the school of faith and piety.
       It should be recognized in general the implementation of Islamic Education (PAI), which took place at the school during this time is still a lot of weaknesses. Weaknesses that led to the methodological aspects of learning more PAI and its orientation is normative, theoretical, and cognitive. PAI also factor the quality of teachers who are less able to relate and interact with other subjects and religious education teacher nonpendidikan.
       Another aspect that is highlighted many aspects of the curriculum of religious education and religious education facilities, including books and teaching materials of religious education.
      Above reality necessitates a thorough evaluation of the program and the implementation of the PAI in public schools, especially if linked that faith, piety, and noble character into the national education goals. (Lampung post)

3.2      Graphs of identification questionnaire that was brought to the object.

At that rate of the basic, more public schools have several advantages and strengths in all aspects, especially in Islamic religious education there are several advantages madrassa, or boarding

3.3      Advantages Madrasah graduates

         Quality of graduates (output), schools and seminaries, is one of the issues that need serious attention and deep study. This is essential because of the quality of graduates can be a picture-quality education system and the Teaching and Learning (PBM) is applied by the Madrasah. It also can be used as a benchmark (the foundation) to take further policy refinement and development of quality in education and PBM, both on a macro (state), messo (Provincial and Municipal), side or micro (school and Foundation).
Quality of graduates from madrasas (schools) can be measured in several
1        Usefulness of himself for himself in life. Learned a variety of science and the attitudes and behaviors of habituation both lived in the period of education must be equivalent to increasing the quality of good character (think, act, behave, and the spirit of survival, as well as emotional intelligence [especially to solve the problems he faced life]. In other words , madrasa graduates must have a quality of life that continues to increase and improve, honest, optimistic, visionary, creative, and do not easily give up.
2        Public acceptance of madrasah graduates. Madrasah graduates must be accepted by society because a) he is behaving well, b) because the benefit to the community.
3        Further studies to a higher level; If graduates can be accepted in the madrasah (school) or university of good quality to the next level, then it can be assumed that the students (graduates) that have good quality. If the students who received total more than 70% then it can be assumed that the quality of graduates of good quality, and at the same can be said that the education system and the PBM is applied at the school or the school of good quality. It must be noted that the achievement of students passing the various tests and student acceptance of a new system of selection of a new school is implemented in accordance with the procedure. Indicators of continued study
4        World of Work absorption of graduates. The assumption is that if alumni Madrasah (especially Madrasah Aliyah) can be absorbed by the world of work, of course, that in accordance with the level and expertise that they do, it can be said that the madrassa alumni kualita, whether individual or communal, is good.

      The first two indicators are often used as a measure of the success of the madrasah education system. First, the indicator is abstract and often subjective. Second, the achievement of quality as such can be obtained at school, even keluarga.Ketiga can be obtained through education, information pouring artifi  cially (shallow) and simplistic (simplify) the relevance of the quality of graduates with high school absorption (and PT) and the world of work.

    Meanwhile, two recent indicators, often) used as a measure (or even the primary measure) for graduates of the madrassas (schools), because it has characteristics that contrast with the first two indicators, namely concrete, easily tracked and measured, as well as get priority promotion (propaganda) of government and from school (Foundation). Often heard the opinion of some people of Indonesia, "the school at school X, lul usannya acceptable at your favorite schools or easily accepted to work at companies X and Y".
Madrasa graduates have the advantage
      In a public service announcement, former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK), Prof. Dr. H. Jimly Assiddiqi mention (or rather promote) that madrassa graduates have the advantage and competitiveness are not lost by a graduate school (public). Afterwards, there are also some madrassa alumni giving testimony, both from the employers, politicians, and educators, which convey the mission (messages) are the same that the quality of madrasah alumni are reliable and not be doubted.
      This public service message is a form of promotion. Promotion called because they are ordered by the Ministry [Ministry of] Religious Affairs to promote the Madrasah, so that people trust the quality of Madrasah education system and trust the quality of Madrasah alumni. These efforts are reasonable or not wrong, even a good thing to do. In teroi communications and marketing, promotion to be conducted, because 1) so that people know "what is", 2) so that people are interested, 3) that the person giving the trust, and 4) so ​​that people would put their children into the Madrasah.
      Similar efforts are carried out by the East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf. He asserted that madrasa graduates have a variety of advantages. Advantages, among others madrasah graduates are ready to become anything. (Ummatonline.net -; in-valid-keunggula have downloaded on October 3, 2011, at 9:45). That he lay out in his speech at the opening of the Competition and Expo 2009 in Madrasah Gajayana Stadium, Malang (Wednesday, July 29, 2009). He states that "If the Madrasah graduates to be a leader, God willing, he will be a fair leader, because he studied the Koran. He will be honest and successful businessman, if the madrasah graduates choose a life as a businessman, because he learn honesty, independence, and creativity. Madrasa graduates are ready to be a diplomat, as competent in Arabic and English, in addition to Indonesian and regional languages. "(Pesantren and madrasah schools)

4.1  Conclusion
The role and existence of the boarding school as one of Indonesia's indigenous educational institutions must remain preserved and well developed, because the presence of a boarding school in the middle of the community is in addition to empowering the community as well as a forum to prepare a cadre of scholars able to master and unde rstand the Al- Quran and Hadith al well and properly and in accordance with the needs of the community
And to note again is that the boarding institution is more appropriate agencies in promoting and developing Islamic religious education as essentially boarding schools are more inclined to the faith-based teachings of Islam
The emergence of schools considered to be one important indicator of positive development progress of the Muslim cultural achievement, given the reality of education, as seen in phenomena such advanced boarding time, is a reflection of the achievements of scientific excellence, intellectual and cultural. therefore, arises pride in madrasas, because these institutions have the image of "exclusive" in the community assessment. Because of the historical record, madarasah never be an educational institution par excellence in the world Islam.dan with the analysis that we ask you a questionnaire to the community can strengthen our pedapat, that boarding schools are the most appropriate institutions in developing religious teachings of Islam.
4.2  Advice
As long as there is a strong desire to always produce quality results on the Islamic religious education is always a better day than yesterday, then none of the implementation strategy of the perceived Islamic Education is difficult to be realized, the most important is the attempt to realize such a strategy as for the results of implementing this strategy we all submit to Allah swt.

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2.HS, Mastuki, El-sha, M. Ishom. Intelektualisme Pesantren, (Jakarta: Diva Pustaka, 2006), hal.1
3.Haedari, H.Amin. Transformasi Peasntren, (Jakarta: Media Nusantara, 2007), hal.3
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5.Hielmy, Irfan. Wancana Islam (ciamis:Pusat Informasi Pesantren,2000), hal. 120
6.Majalah Tajdid (ciamis:Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2009), hal. 358
7.Artikel dari SMPN 1 lembang”perbandingan tentang pendidikan agama islam di pesantren dan sekolah umum
8.Majalah gontor “tentang kependidikan”
9.Tarbiyatu ta’lim (system pendidikan dan pengajaran)
10Artikel pusaka “tentang pola pendidikan agama islam”
11.Pola pembelajaran di pesantren penerbit departemen agama
12.Artikel, dipresentasikan di Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Mahasiswa 2008 di Universitas Ganesha Singaraja, Bali
13.lampung post (Jumat, 28 October 2011 02:23)
16. HS, Mastuki, El-sha, M. Ishom. Intelektualisme Pesantren, (Jakarta: Diva Pustaka, 2006), hal.1
17. KH. Abdurrahman Wahid dalam bukunya(Menggerakkan Tradisi: Esai-Esai Pesantren Hal 171)
18. http://izaskia.wordpress.com/( Beberapa Kelemahan Mendasar Madrasah (2)

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